We will be planning to breed Licah vom Cabin Creek to a certified VDD-GNA stud within the next year. If you are interested in being on a wait list for a puppy please fill out the form below so we can contact you to discuss your goals and needs out of a dog.

A Litter

Whelped May 2020

Gretta vom Cabin Creek x Donn v.d. Dorfeiche

Gretta is a very high-drive dog with an eagerness to please. She is the type of dog who will out work every other dog in the field but will chill out in the house. We had the opportunity to watch Donn grow up and track his success in the tests and are very pleased to hear about the type of dog he is in the field and in the house. We think with his calm manner and tracking capabilities, he will pair nicely with Gretta’s traits.


Gretta vom Cabin Creek


HD-B | Form: 10 Coat:9

VJP - 66
HZP - 182 | 11 Water, 11 Search
VGP - Prize III/273


Donn v.d. Dorfeiche


HD-A | Form: 11 Coat:10

VJP - 75
HZP - 170
VGP - Prize I/316 WWC Highest Scoring VGP